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How does the use of music and rhythm work at Rhythmic Spark Music Therapy?

The key known learning principle in neuroscience, as distilled by Donald Hebb (1949), is that cell neurons that fire together wire together. Rhythm (and music) is a strong  catalyst of making neurons synchronously fire together, driving brain plasticity, increasing neural connections, and integration of networks in the brain. All of this facilitates the flourishing of brain development. 


Rhythmic Spark Music Therapy carefully implements auditory rhythm and music as a vehicle driving brain integration. This dynamically connects areas of thinking, feeling and moving so the individual can fully access their brain and express their intentions and potential.  


In addition, the careful and deliberate use of melody and rhythm can create the predictable timing necessary for reciprocal flow of human interaction. This leads to trust and secure relationships. Secure relationships are imperative to cultivating a child’s brain integration and their development of self.  

Why is play so important in music  therapy?

​Play is so important because it is the basis for attention and learning.  Once we engage someone's attention, then we are primed for learning and growth.


Music therapy can help provide the structure to work with other clinicians and professionals simultaneously, creating a playful environment while also providing the rhythmic structure to facilitate neural synchrony and brain change.

Collaboration is key - pun intended!

I heartily welcome connecting with and collaborating with other clinicians to more holistically serve our shared clients.  Please contact me if interested in connecting!

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